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Site Layout Tips

It's a good read to get a general understanding, but I'm absolutely disgusted at the comments made about Freelance Designers there, opinions?

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Creating a Digg style sign up form

This tutorial shows you how to create a Digg-like signup form, with similar features such as dynamic tooltips that give you a hint on each field that is to be filled.

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The Ultimate addEvent() function

Stephen Stchur's version of addEvent() has a few new tricks up its sleeves, including support for cross browser "mouseenter" and "mouseleave" events.

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Use Whitespace to Indicate Relationships Between Content Elements

A reminder on the importance of whitespace to showing relationships between content on your page.

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Top 7 Fonts Used By Professionals In Graphic Design

7 fonts you may have seen online and in print and wished you knew the names to.

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Chrome fades as users return to IE, Firefox

Users' novelty with Google's Chrome browser may be wearing out.

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Avoiding Standards Complacency

Standards compliance has led to complacency and become a diversion tactic. Anthony Zinni explains.

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Creating Usable Website Navigation

This article touches on the essential points to consider when designing website navigation with a strong focus on usability and accessibility.

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